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New posts in ioc-container

Method-level attributed interception with Simple Injector

Entity Framework - concurrent use of containers

What is the equivalent of Container.GetAllInstances<T> in NInject?

Manage autofac container setup

Where to keep things like connectionstrings in an IoC pattern?

Who coined the term "Inversion of Control Container" and which public container came first?

injecting connection strings to DI resolved classes

Is it possible to have Castle Windsor resolve property dependancies when you dont have a reference to the container?

LightInject IoC container throws stackoverflow when resolving type

Resolve one of multiple registrations with DryIoc

c# ioc-container dryioc

Dynamic selection of interface implementation using IoC

Why we need to call BuildServiceProvider to get dependencies everytime?

The hunt for the J2ME-friendly IoC container is on!

Using what's the preferred way to combine Autofac and Dapper

How to do dependency injection inside ASP.NET MVC's RegisterGlobalFilters method

Setting Lifestyle of collection items during registration in Simple Injector

Can the object created in IoC container be called Singleton. If not - why?

Help with Windsor and Repository and Unit of Work patterns

Rules for accessing services from domain objects

How to register Services and Types that are in separate assemblies in AutoFac?