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New posts in ioc-container

Cannot Inject Dependencies into Asp.net MVC 4 Web API Controller using Windsor Container

StructureMap: Injecting a primitive property in a base class

What is the difference between these two ways of registering an instance in autofac

c# ioc-container autofac

How can I dynamically register generic classes with a name with Unity?

How does Castle Windsor respond to a class which implements multiple interfaces?

Ioc Containers and dynamic languages (take 2)

Passing Windsor Castle Injected Dependency to a Parallel Thread - Dispose() problem

How can objects be injected in run time (after the initialization)?

Castle windsor controller factory and repository not resolving

Can Autofac return all services for a type in the same order they were registered?

How to reset all instances in IOC Container

Attempting to bind Guzzle Curl Client to Laravel's Service Container -- then Type Hint the Client Fails when attempting to __construct()

Property Injection in Base Controller using Ninject 2

Spring JUnit4 manual-/auto-wiring dilemma

Using factories to create multiple objects when using Dependency Injection

A simple IoC container for a a small plugin system

How to make setter injection in structuremap 3

Unity IOC Buildup vs Resolve?

Register shutDownHook in web application