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Who coined the term "Inversion of Control Container" and which public container came first?

I'm interested in finding out how IoC containers out there has evolved over time since Inversion of Control Container was coined as an expression of its own, so I'd like to track down the early ones, if possible.

  • Who was the first to mention Inversion of Control Container?
  • Which public IoC container came first?
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Johann Gerell Avatar asked Feb 16 '11 21:02

Johann Gerell

People also ask

Who invented inversion of control?

Inversion of control is not a new term in computer science. Martin Fowler traces the etymology of the phrase back to 1988, but it is closely related to the concept of program inversion described by Michael Jackson in his Jackson Structured Programming methodology in the 1970s.

What is container inversion?

An inversion of control container is like the event planner. It manages all the different requirements for creating a specific object instance. It allows us to move away from a system in which we have to manually initialise and inject all the different pieces of the application.

Why do we call it inversion of control?

Dependency Injection was originally called Inversion of Control (IoC) because the normal control sequence would be the object finds the objects it depends on by itself and then calls them. Here, this is reversed: The dependencies are handed to the object when it's created.

Why it is called IoC in spring?

Spring IoC (Inversion of Control) It gets the information about the objects from a configuration file(XML) or Java Code or Java Annotations and Java POJO class. These objects are called Beans. Since the Controlling of Java objects and their lifecycle is not done by the developers, hence the name Inversion Of Control.

1 Answers

From "Origin of the Hollywood Principle" (Feb 5th 2004) by Stefano Mazzocchi:

...the Inversion of Control paradigm was coined at Xerox PARC where so many other things were invented.

(read the whole article, it's short and sweet).

Stefano also points at the origin of the term "Inversion of Control" in this other article (Michael Mattson, 1996)

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Mauricio Scheffer Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 12:11

Mauricio Scheffer