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Automapper Custom Resolver - Inject Repository into constructor

I am trying to create a custom resolver for automapper which needs to access one of my data repositories to retreive the logged in users account.

Here is my code so far...

public class FollowingResolver : ValueResolver<Audio, bool>
        readonly IIdentityTasks identityTasks;

        public FollowingResolver(IIdentityTasks identitTasks)
            this.identityTasks = identitTasks;

        protected override bool ResolveCore(Audio source)
            var user = identityTasks.GetCurrentIdentity();
            if (user != null)
                return user.IsFollowingUser(source.DJAccount);

            return false;

However I am getting this error:

FollowingResolver' does not have a default constructor

I have tried adding a default contrstructor but my repository never gets initialised then.

This is my autoampper initialisation code:

public static void Configure(IWindsorContainer container)
            Mapper.Initialize(x =>


Am I missing something, is it even possible to do it like this or am I missing the boat here?

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Paul Hinett Avatar asked Sep 29 '10 21:09

Paul Hinett

2 Answers

Found the solution shorlty after...i was forgetting to add my resolvers as an IoC container.

Works great now!

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Paul Hinett Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Paul Hinett

I was getting the same error using Castle Windsor while trying to inject a service.

I had to add:

Mapper.Initialize(map =>

before Mapper.CreateMap calls.

Created a ValueResolverInstaller like this:

public class ValueResolverInstaller : IWindsorInstaller
    public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)

and the ValueResolver itself:

public class DivergencesResolver : ValueResolver<MyClass, int>
    private AssessmentService assessmentService;

    public DivergencesResolver(AssessmentService assessmentService)
        this.assessmentService = assessmentService;

    protected override int ResolveCore(MyClass c)
        return assessmentService.GetAssessmentDivergences(c.AssessmentId).Count();
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Leniel Maccaferri Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Leniel Maccaferri