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New posts in ioc-container

Binding Model to ViewModel (WPF)

Autofac - resolving through factory methods

Simple Injector: Injecting a property in a base class

Named Services in IoC Containers - A Bad Idea?

Automocking with LightInject plus Nsubstitute, how?

How do I solve "Target [Interface] is not instantiable" in Laravel 4?

NLog: Dependency Injection for custom Targets

Register string value for concrete name of parameter

Laravel ioc automatic resolution - works from controller but not from custom class

differences between IoC containers

.net ioc-container

AutoFac - Instantiating an unregistered service with known services

ioc-container autofac

Good IOC Frameworks to use with asp.net mvc?

Why can't I inject value null with Ninjects ConstructorArgument?

What is an IOC container actually doing for me here?

UNITY: passing in a new datacontext each time?

Prevent Simple Injector to throw an exception when resolving an unregistered service

No default Instance is registered and cannot be automatically determined for type

Should controller lifestyle always be transient in Windsor configuration for ASP.NET MVC?

Trying to add IoC support to my WCF Services

c# wcf ioc-container

why Light Inject's source code all in one .cs file [closed]