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What is an IOC container actually doing for me here?

So I've refactored completely to constructor injection, and now I have a bootstrapper class that looks similar to this:

var container = new UnityContainer();
container.RegisterType<Type1, Impl1>();
container.RegisterType<Type2, Impl2>();
container.RegisterType<Type3, Impl3>();
container.RegisterType<Type4, Impl4>();

var type4Impl = container.Resolve((typeof)Type4) as Type4;

I stared at it for a second before realizing that Unity is really not doing anything special here for me. Leaving out the ctor sigs, the above could be written as:

Type1 type1Impl = Impl1();
Type2 type2Impl = Impl2();
Type3 type3Impl = Impl3(type1Impl, type2Impl);
Type4 type4Impl = Impl4(type1Impl, type3Impl);

The constructor injection refactoring is great and really opens up the testability of the code. However, I'm doubting the usefulness of Unity here. I realize I may be using the framework in a limited manner (ie not injecting the container anywhere, configuring in code rather than XML, not taking advantage of lifetime management options), but I am failing to see how it is actually helping in this example. I've read more than one comment with the sentiment that DI is better off simply used as a pattern, without a container. Is this a good example of that situation? What other benefits does this solution provide that I am missing out on?

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Chris Trombley Avatar asked Aug 09 '11 19:08

Chris Trombley

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What is the purpose of IoC container in Spring?

Spring IoC Container is the core of Spring Framework. It creates the objects, configures and assembles their dependencies, manages their entire life cycle. The Container uses Dependency Injection(DI) to manage the components that make up the application.

What are advantages of IoC?

Some benefits of using IoC. It is easy to switch between different implementations of a particular class at runtime. It increases the modularity of the program. It manages an object's life-cycle and configuration.

What are types of IoC containers explain them?

There are basically two types of IOC Containers in Spring: BeanFactory: BeanFactory is like a factory class that contains a collection of beans. It instantiates the bean whenever asked for by clients. ApplicationContext: The ApplicationContext interface is built on top of the BeanFactory interface.

1 Answers

I have found that a DI container becomes valuable when you have many types in the container that are dependent on each other. It is at that point that the auto-wire-up capability of a container shines.

If you find that you are referring to the container when you are getting object out of, then you are really following the Service Locator pattern.

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Eric Farr Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11

Eric Farr