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New posts in internationalization

If you have an application localized in pt-br and pt-pt, what language you should choose if the system is reporting only "pt" code?

Prevent browsers from using default/fallback fonts

HTML tags in i18next translation files in React

Rails I18n multiple files aliasing

What data type should I use for IETF language codes?

Visual basic handle decimal comma

angular-translate does not display character accent or umlaut correctly

Python's os.path choking on Hebrew filenames

Getting all static (interned) strings from a .NET assembly (dll)

What are the options for making a simple static website multilingual?

How to make Nuxt-auth and Nuxt-i18n to be friends

Is there standard way in grails to manage plurals in international strings from property files?

Change the iOS simulator's current locale at runtime

FULLTEXT search with a multi-language column

Generate Yii translation message files

How to set locale default_url_options for functional tests (Rails)

JQuery Validation Internationalization Problem

Getting Timezone using Intl API doesn't work in Firefox:

Best approach for localize images

Get the value of --locale on runtime for an AOT compiled Angular App