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New posts in angular-i18n

angular-i18n select syntax in attribute

Angular Internationalization ( ngx-translate/ i18n OR i18next )

Translate Angular 8 application using i18n at runtime

How to make translations for NgbDatepicker in Angular without subclassing NgbDatepickerI18n?

ngx-translate: Translate strings in html

Angular translate plugin not firing up

Are there reasons to use XMB and XTB message formats over XLF or XLIFF in Angular's i18n?

Angular7 i18n Message ... misses a translation

angular7 angular-i18n

How to use assets from another locale in angular?

Angular 9: Using angular i18n along with server side rendering (angular universal)

i18n on attributes with pluralization/selection in Angular 7

Angular 9 i18n migration - failing tests

How to use i18n with component inputs that are objects in Angular?

angular 5 change locale dynamically for i18n

How to update localeData and LOCALE_ID for i18n sites dynamically during build in Angular 9?

angular-i18n work-around for translations in code?

Angular: How to display a date in French format