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New posts in angular-i18n

Prevent Angular from updating base href with langcode

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How to enable installation of the multi language Angular PWA with single service worker?

How do I 'ng serve' the original app after localizing it with @angular/localize?

Angular 9 Locale data for 'en-US' cannot be found. No locale data will be included for this locale

Angular 4 i18n for custom attributes

Angular 10 - register custom locale

angular-i18n Angular 6 Internationalisation : How to deal with variables

angular angular-i18n

Deploying multiple versions of Angular app to Azure App Service

How to use angular 9 $localize with plurals?

angular angular-i18n

Angular translate innerHTML with params

Angular 6: i18n: How to update an existing .xlf file that has already been translated?

angular6 angular-i18n

Get the value of --locale on runtime for an AOT compiled Angular App

Updates to i18n translation files in Angular

angular xliff angular-i18n

How to serve different Angular locales during development using ng serve?

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Angular 6 - i18n vs. ngx-translate

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Angular 5 internationalization

Missing locale data for the locale "XXX" with angular

angular angular-i18n