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New posts in internationalization

Does WPF's TextBox support spell-check dictionaries for the Netherlands?

How to design a database schema for storing text in multiple languages?

Open Source Projects for i18n à la Facebook

c# path of localized resources for plugin DLLs

Translate JSON in Rails 3

Advantages of using multiples routers?

override gettext .mo files

Spring security + i18n = how to make it work together?

I18n in Rails 3 with a admin namespace

i18n server-side vs. client-side

Translator for website [closed]

Translations of column in same table

Getting the date format for the current locale

Load Symfony2 translations from custom directory

Postgres collation on aliased field

i18n Internationalization and Localization in React Django

Are there reasons to use XMB and XTB message formats over XLF or XLIFF in Angular's i18n?

Reading accented filenames in VB6

vb6 internationalization