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New posts in internationalization

Websphere Application Server 6.1 (localized): Override locale for console messages

ExtJS MVC, dynamic loading and i18n

UTF-8 encoding does not work properly with Internet Explorer but works perfectly with Mozilla Firefox

MVC Validation message internationalization

Flask Babel Translations path

How to internationalize string in coffeescript with i18n value?

i18n in CSS property "content"

RTL - Does android:autoMirrored work with png images?

Adding support for i18n in PHP with gettext?

How to internationalize string used in javascript code?

How to make PoEdit correctly parse custom "ngettext" implementation?

Multi-language input validation with UTF-8 encoding

Escape quotes in django's trans method

Internationalization in CakePHP JavaScript files

List Rails I18n strings with full keys

How to translate Angular-UI-Bootstrap datepicker?

Django language change ignored, remains default

Finding missing translations in django `.po` files

Is there a naming convention for locale-specific static files?

Hindi language support for Android - text shows up as boxes