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Internationalization in CakePHP JavaScript files

I'm wrapping up a project using Cakes internationalization features to allow our application to be translated into different languages. That's worked great.

A problem I've noticed though is there are a few places where text is added via JavaScript and this text does not currently come from the server at all. It's for things like dialogue boxes and a few pieces of text that change based on a users selection.

How have you handled this in your own applications? How would you handle this? Is there a library or component that handles this. What about any jQuery libraries?

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cnizzardini Avatar asked Apr 25 '13 19:04


3 Answers

You can also do it using JavaScript translation files with this format:

lang = {
    no: "No",
    yes: "Ja",
    agreed: "Akkoord"

One file per language, for example: lang.nl.js, lang.es.js, lang.en.js...

Then, you can check the current language and, depending on it, load one or another file:

if($this->Session->read('Config.language') == 'es'){
    $this->Html->script('lang.es', array('inline' => false));
    $this->Html->script('lang.en', array('inline' => false));

And inside your javascripts, instead of using something like this:


You should use this:


And that's it :)

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Alvaro Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 10:09


CakePHP does not have a built-in / standard way of localizing JavaScript. It does offer various ways to localize strings 'in general'. See Internationalization & Localization

To localize strings that are output by JavaScript, consider;

  1. For 'static' strings (i.e. strings that are not depending on the content of your website), create localization files for your scripts. Many plugins use this approach For example, see this page on localizing the JQuery-UI date picker UI/Datepicker/Localization

  2. If you're already localizing strings in your website via .po files, and want to use the same translations in your JavaScript, you may consider to dynamically create the translation-files as mentioned in 1.), for example;

In your app/Config/routes.php, enable parsextensions, see File Extensions


Create a controller that will output strings localized as JavaScript/JSON


class LocalizedController extends AppController {

    public function strings($lang)
        if('json' !== $this->request->ext) {
            throw new NotFoundException();

        // Switch to the requested language
        Configure::write('Config.language', $lang);

        $strings = array(

        //translated the strings
        $translations = array();
        foreach ($strings as $string) {
             $translations[$string] = __($string);

        // build and send a JSON response
        $this->autoRender = false;
        return $this->response;


This json file should now be accessible via http://example.com/localized/strings/eng.json and can be loaded from within your javascripts at runtime


Just to clarify; the example is untested and just to illustrate the idea of dynamically creating JSON (or JavaScript) files containing localized strings. The code is far from efficient and (at least part of) the code should not be inside the controller, but (for example) inside a model.

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thaJeztah Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 10:09


For translating JavaScript inside my CakePHP applications, I use this library : https://github.com/wikimedia/jquery.i18n , it's the one used in Wikipedia.

You have all the necessary files inside the src folder. It's quite easy to set up and use. Of course it works with any kind of application, not only CakePHP !

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Chris Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 10:09
