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New posts in internationalization

Localization of numeric number in Rails

How to avoid Globalize3 from returning fallback translations for an attribute into a specific context?

Rails 4: pluralizing model_name.human using count: 123 doesn't work

Export app for localization not including strings created with NSLocalizedString in Xcode 6 Xliff

Localizing datetimes in Rails I18n

AWS Cloudfront distribute multilingual angular apps

Need help choosing a framework for bilingual site

In Java, is there any way to get a Locale given its display name?

msginit email address command line argument?

Replacements for gettext

How can I internationalize strings representing C# enum values?

Multiline Messages in Message Bundles

l18n framework with compiletime checking

I18n translation of model form in Django

Getting the current locale in django

AngularJS: Dynamic locale

Rails i18n - How to translate enum of a model

How to internationalize content on ruby on rails?

Get three-letter short timezone name (as opposed to four-letter)?

Ruby on Rails Routes with Locales