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New posts in internationalization

Django i18n not recognizing language files

colon (:) gives load error in locale YAML file

OSX: how to localize the name appearing when the mouse flies over the app icon in the dock?

How to dynamically pass arguments to messages in the resource bundle

i18n Django Internationalization and database objects

How to configure i18n to use en locale if translation is missing in specific locale?

Qt linguist lupdate ignores qml files

Symfony2 translation of validation messages issue

get a phone number's international prefix from a country code in python

Can I use Angular i18n to translate string literals in typescript code

Ruby on rails internationalization for Spanish

An example for plural forms in a Yaml translation file for Rails i18n API

django-cms language_chooser in that language

Python's string.maketrans works at home but fails on Google App Engine

Use of abbr_month_names (and similars) with I18n.l()

Internationalised labels in JSF/Facelets

Best practices in internationalizing text with lots of markup?

Rails i18n strings auto-lowercased?

Is it possible to mirror text in react-native?

Java Regular Expression with International Letters