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New posts in immutability

In Elixir, is there any way to make _real_ constants?

How to create immutable objects in Kotlin?

Dataclass-style object with mutable and immutable properties?

Is marking String type reference as Volatile safe?

Why do we need Rc<T> when immutable references can do the job?

Immutable beans in Java

Pure functional bottom up tree algorithm

immutability of a class when an instance variable present as arraylist

java immutability

scala: how to avoid mutables inside try catch blocks

When and how should I use `const` and `immutable` in D?

Achieving Local Runtime Immutability in C#

c# immutability

Why two individually created immutable objects have same id and mutable objects have different while both refer to same values? [duplicate]

How to Ensure Immutability of a Generic

c# generics immutability

Ways to signal that API returns an unmodifiable/immutable collection

java immutability

Should an immutable class member have an accessor method or allowed to be public?

Why immer.js doesn't allow setting dynamic properties on draft?

how to read immutable data structures from file in scala

What to call factory-like (java) methods used with immutable objects

Python strings references [duplicate]

Why final keyword is necessary for immutable class?

java immutability final