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New posts in immutability

How to make an 2D ArrayList immutable?

Adding *copies* of entries from Java Map<String, Object> propertyMap

How to decorate an immutable object graph from scala case classes

How to set super class properties in @Immutable classes?

Should sigilless "variables" with type constraints be re-bindable? [duplicate]

Why would one want to use the public constructors on Boolean and similar immutable classes?

In Scala, how do immutable and mutable sets and maps compare with regard to garbage collection?

Why implement two so similar data structures like List and Tuple [duplicate]

Why does F# Interactive behave differently than compiler with regards to immutable value definition?

Immutable class in Eiffel

Is it possible to use SQLite.NET with immutable record types?

In D, how can I declare a hash of immutable types that is itself mutable?

d immutability

How to implement the "One Binary" principle with Docker

RxJS with immutable datastructures?

F#: only do one action once for the first event, without mutability/locking?

java strings inmutable but the code doesn't shows that [duplicate]

java string immutability

How to get an arbitrary element from a frozenset?

Why String class is immutable even though it has a non -final field called "hash"

java string immutability

What is the difference between @Immutable and @Entity(mutable=false) when using Hibernate

Immutable collections?

c# .net immutability