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Immutable collections?

I am making most of my basic types in my app, immutable. But should the collections be immutable too? To me, this seems like a huge overhead unless I am missing something.

I am talking about collections to hold Point3 values, etc which can be added as it goes at different times. So if there are 1M values in a collection, and you needed to delete 1 of them, you would have to create the same collection all over again, right?

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Joan Venge Avatar asked May 29 '09 17:05

Joan Venge

People also ask

What is immutable collection?

The common use case for the immutable methods is a collection that is initialized from known values, and that never changes. Also consider using these methods if your data changes infrequently. For optimal performance, the immutable collections store a data set that never changes.

Which of the following collection is immutable?

The datatypes like int, float, bool, str, tuple, and Unicode are immutable. Datatypes like list, set, dict are mutable.

Is collection class immutable?

Collections are all immutable, but implement java collections interfaces (and generics) for inspection. Mutation returns new collections.

What is immutable collection in C#?

ImmutableArray. Provides methods for creating an array that is immutable; meaning it cannot be changed once it is created. NuGet package: System.Collections.Immutable (about immutable collections and how to install)

3 Answers

Eric Lippert has a series on Immutability in C#, and if you read it all the way through he implements a couple different immutable collections:

  1. Immutability in C# Part One: Kinds of Immutability
  2. Immutability in C# Part Two: A Simple Immutable Stack
  3. Immutability in C# Part Three: A Covariant Immutable Stack
  4. Immutability in C# Part Four: An Immutable Queue
  5. Immutability in C# Part Five: LOLZ!
  6. Immutability in C# Part Six: A Simple Binary Tree
  7. Immutability in C# Part Seven: More on Binary Trees
  8. Immutability in C# Part Eight: Even More On Binary Trees
  9. Immutability in C# Part Nine: Academic? Plus my AVL tree implementation
  10. Immutability in C# Part Ten: A double-ended queue
  11. Immutability in C# Part Eleven: A working double-ended queue
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Joel Coehoorn Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 09:10

Joel Coehoorn

Immutable collections are great, especially if your app already leverages immutable types or semantics.

.NET just shipped their first immutable collections, which I suggest you try out.

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Andrew Arnott Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 07:10

Andrew Arnott

My favorite trick with collections is simply to never pass them around. If they only exist inside a single object, then making them immutable is mostly irrelevant (As long as your containing object doesn't change them then they won't change).

Usually your collection represents something, right? It's a collection of dogs or a collection of invoices...

Usually there is a thing you can do with a collection of dogs (Herd? neuter?) or a collection of invoices (pay?) There are virtually always operations that apply to the whole list of objects--operations that have functionality beyond the singular invoice.pay() (for instance, ensuring that the most important invoices are paid first), without a class around your collection, there is really no where to put those operations.

It also usually makes sense to have a few variables associated with your collection--and again without a wrapper you always end up putting those variables in some strange unnatural location.

It may seem strange at first but try it a couple times before you judge.

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Bill K Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 08:10

Bill K