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New posts in python-dataclasses

Reference class type in dataclass definition

Update a field in a dataclass with a field name known only during runtime

python python-dataclasses

How to evolve a dataclass in python?

python python-dataclasses

dataclasses.asdict() not working as expected

Calling generated `__init__` in custom `__init__` override on dataclass

Dataclasses: Require at least one value to be set in grouping of model fields

Python frozen dataclass, allow changing of attribute via method

python python-dataclasses

Dataclass argument choices with a default option

How to declare an array or a list in a Python @dataclass? [duplicate]

Can I provide defaults for a subclass of a dataclass?

python python-dataclasses

How to compare equality of dataclasses holding numpy.ndarray (bool(a==b) raises ValueError)?

How to remove dataclass attributes

Dataclass-style object with mutable and immutable properties?

Extending frozen dataclass and take all data from base class instance

Python 3.7: Utility of Dataclasses and SimpleNameSpace

How to apply default value to python dataclass field when None was passed?

type hint for an instance of a non specific dataclass

Python 3.7: dataclass does not raise `TypeError` for `eq=False`

Replace attributes in Data Class objects

How do I define a datetime field in a python dataclass?