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dataclasses.asdict() not working as expected

I'm using dataclass and asdict from dataclasses, and I find that asdict doesn't work as I would expect when I introduce inheritance.

I use dataclasses to help me create dictionaries from classes so I can pass them into django.shortcuts.render.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses import asdict

class Base:
    name: str

class Test(Base):
    def __init__(self, age, *args, **kwargs):
        self.age = age
        super(Test, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

test = Test(age=20, name="john doe")


I would expect the output to be

{"age": 20, "name": "john doe"}

But what I get is only the keyword-value from the base-class

{"name": "john doe"}
like image 761
Kent Martin Avatar asked Mar 04 '23 20:03

Kent Martin

1 Answers

The correct implementation for inheritance of a dataclass is covered in the docs:

class Base:
    name: str

class Child(Base):
    age: int

Without this, the __dataclass_fields__ attribute in the child class, which asdict uses to determine what should be in the dictionary, doesn't know about all of the fields you care about; it only has the inherited version:

>>> Test.__dataclass_fields__
{'name': Field(...)}
>>> Test.__dataclass_fields__ is Base.__dataclass_fields__
>>> Child.__dataclass_fields__
{'name': Field(...), 'age': Field(...)}
>>> Child.__dataclass_fields__ is Base.__dataclass_fields__

Also note you can simplify the imports to:

from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
like image 136
jonrsharpe Avatar answered Mar 11 '23 22:03
