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New posts in glsl

Transforming glsl 150 to 120

opengl glsl

How to decide if a fragment's color is white or not?

Fragment Diffuse value changing with camera location/rotation

How to determine even/odd line of a texture in GLSL ES

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Getting a glsl 330 context on osx 10.9 (Mavericks)

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Does the GLSL sign() function cause branching and how does it work?


How do I deal with many variables per triangle in OpenGL?

opengl glsl shader

libgdx nested FrameBuffer

How to add transparency with a shader in SceneKit?

Using emscripten with opengl shaders

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Why must I "use" a shader program before I can set its uniforms?

opengl glsl opengl-4

How does a clamp function in glsl and opencl work? does it use create branches? and should I avoid using it?

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Is there an efficient way to exceed GL_MAX_VIEWPORTS?

Z value always 1 or -1 when using `glm::perspective`

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OpenGL floating point precision

c++ opengl glsl precision

How exactly is GLSL's "coherent" memory qualifier interpreted by GPU drivers for multi-pass rendering?

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glsl vector plus scalar


Invariant and precise keywords in GLSL

glsl shader keyword invariants

glsl compute shader - synchronization

opengl synchronization glsl

In OpenGL what's the difference between the GL_RED and GL_R color formats?

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