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How do I deal with many variables per triangle in OpenGL?

I'm working with OpenGL and am not totally happy with the standard method of passing values PER TRIANGLE (or in my case, quads) that need to make it to the fragment shader, i.e., assign them to each vertex of the primitive and pass them through the vertex shader to presumably be unnecessarily interpolated (unless using the "flat" directive) in the fragment shader (so in other words, non-varying per fragment).

Is there some way to store a value PER triangle (or quad) that needs to be accessed in the fragment shader in such a way that you don't need redundant copies of it per vertex? Is so, is this way better than the likely overhead of 3x (or 4x) the data moving code CPU side?

I am aware of using geometry shaders to spread the values out to new vertices, but I heard geometry shaders are terribly slow on non up to date hardware. Is this the case?

like image 907
Christopher Brown Avatar asked Feb 12 '23 21:02

Christopher Brown

2 Answers

OpenGL fragment language supports the gl_PrimitiveID input variable, which will be the index of the primitive for the currently processed fragment (starting at 0 for each draw call). This can be used as an index into some data store which holds per-primitive data.

Depending on the amount of data that you will need per primitive, and the number of primitives in total, different options are available. For a small number of primitives, you could just set up a uniform array and index into that.

For a reasonably high number of primitives, I would suggest using a texture buffer object (TBO). This is basically an ordinary buffer object, which can be accessed read-only at random locations via the texelFetch GLSL operation. Note that TBOs are not really textures, they only reuse the existing texture object interface. Internally, it is still a data fetch from a buffer object, and it is very efficient with none of the overhead of the texture pipeline.

The only issue with this approach is that you cannot easily mix different data types. You have to define a base data type for your TBO, and every fetch will get you the data in that format. If you just need some floats/vectors per primitive, this is not a problem at all. If you e.g. need some ints and some floats per primitive, you could either use different TBOs, one for each type, or with modern GLSL (>=3.30), you could use an integer type for the TBO and reinterpret the integer bits as floating point with intBitsToFloat(), so you can get around that limitation, too.

like image 167
derhass Avatar answered Mar 05 '23 19:03


You can use one element in the vertex array for rendering multiple vertices. It's called instanced vertex attributes.

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HolyBlackCat Avatar answered Mar 05 '23 19:03
