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New posts in glsl

GLSL Fragment Position


Passing a uniform color to a fragment shader (openGL ES 2.0)

Is there an impact to do not use an activated Attrib?

c++ opengl glsl

Reflection and refraction impossible without recursive ray tracing?

Depth offset in OpenGL

How can I colour things in OpenGL ES 2.0 based on their depth?

PyOpenGL, Pygame, and shaders don't seem to cooperate

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correct glsl affine texture mapping

GLSL Shaders texture alpha splatting

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How to create billboard matrix in glm

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Can a VBO be bound to multiple VAOs?

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Sending two textures to GLSL shader

opengl glsl

OpenGL - sampler array limit?

opengl glsl fragment-shader

Are GLSL compilers well optimized

Is there an accurate approximation of the acos() function?

Should layout quantifier (location) differ between uniform/in/out?

opengl glsl shader

Recolor sprites on the fly

GLSL: about coherent qualifier

Binding 2 textures, only see 1

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Opengl GL_QUADS produces error 0x506

c++ opengl glsl