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New posts in freebsd

Using a numbered file descriptor from Java

java file-io freebsd

Bash script execution with and without shebang in Linux and BSD

Force a core to dump from an active, normally running program on FreeBSD

freebsd coredump

Table is 'read only'

mysql freebsd sql-update

PHP auto-prepend buggy after out of memory error

Final output on slave pty is lost if it was not closed in parent. Why?

c unix portability freebsd pty


c++ boost freebsd

What is equivalent of Linux's 'free' command on FreeBSD v8.1 [closed]

How to increase limits on sockets on osx for load testing?

macos sockets freebsd libev

How did WhatsApp achieve 2 million connections per server?

When would os.environ['foo'] not match os.getenv('foo')?

Forcing the order of output fields from cut command

PostgreSQL failing peer authentication with Ansible

A way to determine a process's "real" memory usage, i.e. private dirty RSS?

Why exit code 141 with grep -q?

linux bash freebsd

Insert newline (\n) using sed

bash sed freebsd

InetAddress.getLocalHost() throws UnknownHostException

java freebsd opensolaris

Determine the process pid listening on a certain port

unix port freebsd pid

Check if string is neither empty nor space in shell script

bash shell freebsd

How to install packages offline?