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New posts in dash-shell

How can you use pure unset shell builtin? Can you write shell scripts that are immune to tampering?

bash security sh zsh dash-shell

How to regex compare a string in dash?

regex bash dash-shell

How to recognize whether bash or dash is being used within a script?

bash dash-shell

Different result from $((++n)) when running bash vs dash

bash shell dash-shell

Does `dash` support `bash` style arrays?

linux dash-shell

Loop control from within a subshell

bash dash-shell

how to tell the version number of dash?

linux centos dash-shell

Shell script ending with a line containing only a colon?

Bash vs. Dash behavior with the command `echo -ne "hello\n"`

bash dash-shell

Why subprocess.Popen returncode differs for similar commands with bash

Portably trapping ERR in shell script

What's the best way to embed a Unicode character in a POSIX shell script?

dash equivalent to bash's curly bracket syntax?


Add/subtract variables in a really dumb shell

shell math busybox dash-shell

How to iterate over the characters of a string in a POSIX shell script?

shell sh posix dash-shell

bash: unable to set and use alias in the same line

bash zsh busybox dash-shell

How to migrate scripts from bash to dash? [closed]

bash dash-shell

Portable way to check emptyness of a shell variable [duplicate]

bash sh dash-shell

Bash script execution with and without shebang in Linux and BSD

syntax of for loop in linux shell scripting