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New posts in fragment-shader

OpenGL crashes when linking program, LG Nexus 4

Smoothing low octave perlin noise

Hexadecimal to RGB values in WebGL Shader

Three.js - shader code for halo effect, normals need transformation

Shadow mapping shader

Android OpenGL Render to a frameBuffer in the original (small) resolution and then scale it (viewPort) to the screen size

gl_Color is undeclared identifier on WebGL

Are there noise functions in GLSL OpenGL ES 2.0 (iOS)?

Names of `out` variables in a fragment shader

How do OpenGL fragment shaders know what pixel to sample in a texture?

WebGL: Will zero-alpha pixels in a texture necessarily update the depth buffer?

Compute normals from displacement map in three.js r.58?

Why is my GLSL shader rendering a cleavage?

OpenGL shader builder errors on compiling

What does the 1/w coordinate stand for in gl_FragCoord?

opengl fragment-shader

Using GLSL to render a smooth reference grid on a plane

How to save a value inside a fragment shader to use it later?

Convert ShaderToy to fragment shader