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New posts in floating-point

Limits for floating point types?

c types floating-point

Why does this subtraction not equal zero?

Comparing Same Float Values In C [duplicate]

Dividing with/without using floats in C [closed]

How should the MySQL Decimal datatype be used in php? [duplicate]

Minimum and maximum of signed zero

How many different sums can we get from very few floats?

Convert mantissa and exponent into double

Best way to avoid code duplication defining comparison operators `<, <=, >, >=, ==, !=`, but taking into account NaNs?

boost serialization and doubles

float <-> std::string conversion alternative?

c++ string stl floating-point

Standards compliant way to compare float to integral?

Finding the maximum of a floating point counter

GCC PowerPC avoiding .rodata section for floats

does c++ have an equivalent boost::numeric_cast<DestType>(SourceType)?

Issues converting rounded float to string pandas

Probability that a formula fails in IEEE 754

addition instead of subtraction in Kahan algorithm

Can C#/.net parse exponential hex encoded floating point numbers from strings?

c# .net parsing floating-point

Floating Point Divider Hardware Implementation Details