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New posts in floating-point

What is the difference between underflow and nan in C?

What rule governs rounding behavior in applying static_cast<float> to a double?

c++ casting floating-point

What is the status of tcl_precision?

floating point precision in ruby on rails model validations

SQLite query where clause with floating point numbers fails?

PHP integer rounding problems

php floating-point integer

What defines floating point precision in python?

Wrong float formatting in PHP (sprintf, printf)

php floating-point printf

Floating point exceptions - gcc bug?

How can I encode two numbers in a single Integer?

Is integer multiplication implemented using double precision floating point exact up until 2^53?

Decompose floating-point number

c# c floating-point

What do Prolog implementations mean by "float"?

Precision of scipy.optimize.minimize

Why pixels can have float values?

why is 1e400 not an int?

Dealing with floating point number precision in Go arithmetic?

math go floating-point

Is there a compiler setting to control how floating point literals are typed in Delphi?

float data type precision in Java

is assigning two doubles guaranteed to yield the same bitset patterns?