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New posts in iso-prolog

Why does Prolog operator definitions have xfx?

Why doesn't gnu prolog support the "false" predicate? (I've changed to swi)

Why did Technical Corrigendum 2 to ISO/IEC 13211-1:1995 omit "bar" from the "token" rule?

prolog iso-prolog

Difference between two variant implementations

prolog iso-prolog

Implementing user-defined arithmetic functions

Making Prolog code that works in GNU and SWI

What does a clause without a head mean in prolog?

What do Prolog implementations mean by "float"?

How Prolog's logical update view works for assert and retract?

How can I simulate a soft cut in Prolog?

What does +,+ mode in Prolog mean?

prolog iso-prolog

Will using member within a forall clause in SWI-Prolog always output the elements in the same order?

Intersection of two lists of variables

prolog iso-prolog

Equivalence of disjunction operator and definition with several rules

prolog iso-prolog

Extension to CFG, what is it?

Is this Prolog terminology correct? (fact, rule, procedure, predicate, ...)

Minor inconsistency due to different operator precedence of ** and ^

Prolog DCG set_prolog_flag double_quotes source code directive location matters; documentation?

Space-efficient writing of functional notation

list prolog iso-prolog

Is there a prolog language grammar/spec?

prolog grammar iso-prolog