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New posts in prolog-cut

How does pruning choice points in the code below make it more efficient (Prolog)?

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Inserting a cut in Prolog to make a relation clause bound but bidirectional

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Prolog, fail and do not backtrack

Prolog -- better way to eliminate duplicate answer in special case?

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How to check if any statisfying clause exists in Prolog without backtracking through all different paths?

How can I simulate a soft cut in Prolog?

Make Prolog return one solution and stop showing the query option

What are the optimal green cuts for successor arithmetics sum?

Avoiding the use of cut in Prolog absolute value predicate

prolog prolog-cut

Implementing "cut" in a recursive descent parser

Cut and Fail in Prolog

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Use cut in Prolog to define a once_member/2 function

prolog prolog-cut

Implementing cut in tracing meta interpreter prolog

Prolog : avoid redundant choice points (non-determinism) with and without cut operator

What is the difference in execution if the cut '!' is present?

prolog prolog-cut

What does the "-" symbol mean in Prolog when dealing with lists?

What is "!" in Prolog

list prolog prolog-cut

Are cuts that bad in programming? [closed]

Prolog append with cut operator

prolog prolog-cut

Parsing in Prolog without cut?