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New posts in floating-point-exceptions

Overflow vs Inf

Floating Point Exception Caused By rand() In c++

Delphi XE2, TWebBrowser, float divide by zero

How to avoid floating point exceptions in unused SIMD lanes

How to solve undefined reference to functions in fenv.h when using uclibc?

Why does this code get floating point exception when there is no float data-type?

Masking exceptions in Delphi

"Safe" SIMD arithmetic on aligned vectors of odd size?

Force all QNaN to instead be normal NaN (SNaN) so exceptions are thrown

what languages expose IEEE 754 traps to the developer?

C: unordered floating-point comparison does not raise FE_INVALID

Causes for NaN in C++ application that do no raise a floating point exception

An invalid floating point operation occurred. SQL Server 2008

Why does integer division by -1 (negative one) result in FPE?

When does underflow occur?

Enabling floating point interrupts on Mac OS X Intel

Visual Studio C++ 2008 / 2010 - break on float NaN