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New posts in fixtures

pytest-mock mocker in pytest fixture

Do setup/teardown hurt test maintainability?

Rails 3 test fixtures with carrierwave?

Symfony2 execute SQL file in Doctrine Fixtures Load

factory_girl + rspec doesn't seem to roll back changes after each example

Loading Rails Fixtures in a Specific Order when Testing

Automatic associations in ruby on rails fixtures

ruby-on-rails ruby fixtures

Functional testing with Rails and Devise. What to put in my fixtures?

Pytest use same fixture twice in one function

Rails Fixtures not loading with rspec

Symfony 3.4.0 Could not find any fixture services to load

In Django, getting a "Error: Unable to serialize database" when trying to dump data?

How to create fixtures (for a Devise user) as a yml.erb in rails (4.1.5)?

ruby-on-rails erb fixtures

Can I pass arguments to pytest fixtures?

python pytest fixtures

Rails fixtures -- how do you set foreign keys?

difference between fixture and yield_fixture in pytest

Generate Symfony2 fixtures from DB?

Fixtures in RSpec

Unit testing: Is it a good practice to have assertions in setup methods?

Factory Girl + Mongoid embedded documents in fixtures