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How to create fixtures (for a Devise user) as a yml.erb in rails (4.1.5)?

Update 3: It seems like this is specific to fixtures in a .yml.erb - even if I have no templated code, it seems like fixtures in a yml.erb file doesn't get loaded. Having a plain .yml file works. This likely has nothing to do with devise per se.

Note: see Update 3 annotations for relevant changes

I need to generate Devise users in my rails app. I notice that clearing the database and loading the fixtures loads all other fixtures, except the Devise users (Update 3: which is in a .yml.erb file).

I have seen this other thread, but I tried all the options there and still doesn't seem to load the fixtures.

# ../fixtures/users.yml.erb user1:   email: [email protected]   name: user1   encrypted_password: <%= Devise.bcrypt(User, 'passw0rd!') %>   # also tried encrypted_password: User.new(password_salt: '$2a$10$PoBe1MvkoGJsjMVTEjKqge').send(:password_digest, 'somepassword')   admin: true 

And from the console:

To clear the test db:

$ bundle exec rake db:schema:load RAILS_ENV=test 

To load the fixtures into test db:

$ bundle exec rake db:fixtures:load RAILS_ENV=test 

Run rails console in test (no users found, but other model fixtures, like App, are being loaded):

$ rails c test Loading test environment (Rails 4.1.5) irb(main):001:0> User.first   User Load (0.1ms)  SELECT  "users".* FROM "users"   ORDER BY "users"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 => nil irb(main):002:0> App.first   App Load (0.1ms)  SELECT  "apps".* FROM "apps"   ORDER BY "apps"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 => #<App id: 953336129,...> 

Update 1: Also tried passing in encrypted password generated from console, still no user records are found:

admin:   email: [email protected]   name: user1   encrypted_password: $2a$04$DR0.2yfWwD8AZlyeXx0gEuk2Qh.cNLF4cir0ZUB1iW7hwQhK/IfcC   admin: true 

Update 2: It works when I rename fixtures file to users.yml. Renaming to users.yml.erb seems to be the culprit. BTW, the same behavior is seen (that is, it works with .yml, but not with yml.erb) on the console and from rake test

like image 445
Anand Avatar asked Oct 30 '14 03:10


1 Answers

You should pass the password in plain text too. I am sure there is a User model validation errors preventing your fixture users from being created. Here's an example from my users fixture which works:

tom:   first_name: Tom   last_name: Test   email: [email protected]   password: 123greetings   encrypted_password: <%= User.new.send(:password_digest, '123greetings') %> 

If it still fails, please check the log/test.log file for errors and check for missing required fields or other validation rules you set in your User model.

Update: It turns out that author found the issue himself - used .yml.erb file extension rather than .yml which made rails bypass that fixtures file. ERB works in yml fixtures as rails runs the fixture file through ERB before parsing it.

like image 71
kroky Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 02:10
