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New posts in finalizer

C++/CLI: preventing garbage collection on managed wrapper of unmanaged resource

Finalizer and IDisposable

Why are there finalizers in java and c#?

What's the use of the __del__() method in Python?

python destructor finalizer

Very strange OutOfMemoryError

Finalizers for JavaScript objects

Advanced debugging advice in WPF GarbageCollection

shutdown hook vs finalizer method

Should GC.SuppressFinalize be called on objects that do not have a finalizer?

c# fxcop finalizer

What is the scope of finalizer thread - per application domain or per process?

Good samples of using Finalizers in C#

Will SqlConnection get disposed by GC?

Does Perl 6 automatically call any special methods when it cleans up an object?

raku finalizer

How does a "finalizer guardian" work in java?

Troubleshooting a java memory leak: finalization?

java memory-leaks finalizer

c# finalizer throwing exception?

Why does SHA1.ComputeHash fail under high load with many threads?

F# Equivalent of Destructor

f# finalizer c#-to-f#

Garbage Collection and Finalizers: Finer Points

Execute code when VisualStudio debugger is exiting