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New posts in sha

Which is preferable: sha1_file(f) or sha1(file_get_contents(f))?

php hash sha

ImportError: No module named 'sha'

python python-3.x pycharm sha

How do I specify the key for computing a SHA256 hash?

c# hash sha

Working with bytes in Python using SHA-256

How do I get Google Apps Script to do SHA-256 encryption?

Can you get this same Java SHA-1 in PHP please?

java php hash passwords sha

What is sha-256 padding?


Go, midstate SHA-256 hash

hash go state sha256 sha

Take sha number of commit by tig

git sha tig

Cannot output correct hash in Java. What is wrong?

java android sha

Variable of unspecified type in C#?

c# types sha

How detect a Git SHA ID in a text

git commit sha

Any "out of band" hashes in MD* or SHA-*?

performance hash md5 sha

Generate self signed RSA-2048-SHA-256 certificate PFX file using openSSL

c# .net openssl rsa sha

Windows 10 ignores Authenticode on my setups files

Work around lack of Yz machine constraint under Clang?

Generating the same SHA1 UUID in golang and Javascript

javascript go cryptography sha

JWT (JSON Web Token) in PHP without using 3rd-party library. How to sign?

php json authentication jwt sha

When generating a SHA256 / 512 hash, is there a minimum 'safe' amount of data to hash?

hash checksum sha