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New posts in eclipse-plugin

What is the best open source common lisp implementation that works with Eclipse?

How do I install Aptana plugin in Eclipse 3.7?

Add Java code template programmatically

java eclipse eclipse-plugin

Generating BPEL files programmatically?

Missing artifact log4j:log4j:bundle:1.2.17

Undefined CSS/JavaScript/Image file in Eclipse

Can't get eclipse to recognize my plugin

How to install .bar file in Blackberry 10 simulator

Checkstyle eclipse plugin: error cannot initialize module TreeWalker Token "WILDCARD_TYPE"

Code analyzers: PMD & FindBugs

I just installed EGit on Eclipse -- but Where is it?

Eclipse WSDL generator (from java class)?

What's the best way to get a return value out of an asyncExec in Eclipse?

Can we choose which plugins to load in eclipse on the startup?

java eclipse eclipse-plugin

Java: how to detect the current java runtime is a JRE or JDK?

Android NDK plugin installation in eclipse SDK

Eclipse Mars not showing Jboss Server

Eclipse - Setting .classpath file for existing project

Android preferences freeze when using ADT Plugin v9 with Eclipse on Mac?

How to install Papyrus for Eclipse - Kepler?

eclipse-plugin papyrus