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What is the Fork & Pull Model in GitHub?

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How to completely remove .svn files in Git

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Getting mercurial "hg commit" to work with Notepad++

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Seeing what revision goes with a tag in Git

Is there a distributed VCS that can manage large files?

What files will be changed vs added when I do an hg pull and hg update

Source Control - Distributed Systems vs. Non Distributed - What's the difference?

Is there implementation of Git in pure Python?

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Why are Mercurial backouts in one branch affecting other branches?

How can I completely replace a bitbucket repository with another repository?

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Combine DVCS with Visual Source Safe

Does merge direction matter in Mercurial?

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Mercurial color extension in Windows Powershell

How can I always know about all tags in Mercurial?

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Can artists realistically cope with (distributed) version control in an open source environment? [closed]

How do you organize your git repositories?

Submitting Hg changes back to SVN

Is there any distributed revision control system that supports partial checkout/clone?

Is a DVCS useful for one developer?

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bitbucket, "hg push" and "hg update"

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