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Is a DVCS useful for one developer?

Or would a conventional client-server VCS be more appropriate? I'm currently using TortoiseSVN, but I'm interested in a DVCS, but I'm not sure if it's even a good idea to try to use something like that solo.

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Thomas Owens Avatar asked Oct 07 '08 15:10

Thomas Owens

2 Answers

Since you can still push to another machine also running Git/Mercurial/Bzr/etc you still have the multi-computer backup safety, which you'd hopefully have either way. However if you ever code while traveling, having full repository access can be a huge plus, then just resync to your server when you have a net connection again/get home/etc.

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Runevault Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 09:10


Yes. A DVCS is, in my opinion, even better suited for solo development than a traditional server-based system. A lot of the server-based systems' features are just unnecessary complications when there is a single developer.

On the other hand, you probably won't notice any major productivity differences between a DVCS and SVN if you are solo.

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Kristopher Johnson Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 10:10

Kristopher Johnson