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git untracked files - how to ignore

Does Mercurial support empty commit messages?

How to manage concurrent development with mercurial?

Is there a free private Bazaar online source host? [closed]

How does Git track history during a refactoring?

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Mercurial Subrepositories: Prevent accidental recursive commits and pushes

How does Mercurial stack up against GIT and SVN?

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Different Distributed Version Control Systems working together

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What is the state of Bazaar version control?

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What parts of a Xamarin solution should be kept out of the repository?

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Looking for a wiki-style, standalone, version-control-"safe" documentation package [closed]

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Prevent commits in a local branch

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Moving from Visual Sourcesafe to Mercurial

How to develop on a branch in HG?

How do closed branches affect Mercurial performance?

How do I synchronise two remote Git repositories?

Should checkins be small steps or complete features?

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What is Mercurial bisect good for?

How to use mercurial for release management?