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New posts in branching-strategy

TFS Branching or Moving Under Source Item

tfs branching-strategy

What is a good branching strategy when developing several future releases at once?

Git branching strategy for a newly lean team

Git merge strategy for Agile Branching workflow

Git branching model, what is the benefit of having a development branch?

Multi-Developer-Setup with SVN-VC and remote test-servers for each developer. Best practices?

How do I set a default merge strategy specific to a file with Git?

Enable branch protection rules in Github at the Organisation level

Git branching model strategy

How can I do a bugfix on master and integrate it into my less stable branch(es)?

git branching-strategy

Git: Test combination of two feature branches

git branching-strategy

Git branch is still on same line as master

What branching strategy should I use during the development/maintenance of a web application?

git-flow: workflow for making "release candidates" / QA web artifacts

How do closed branches affect Mercurial performance?

Branching Strategies [closed]