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New posts in feature-branch

Undo rebasing feature branch onto another feature branch

Subversion: Merging subtrees vs. merge-tracking

svn merge feature-branch

Git rebase feature branch messes up commits in pull request to develop/master branch

How can I delete all Git remote branches which are older than a year?

Managing dependent in-progress git feature branches / branch sets

git workflow feature-branch

How to share a git feature (or topic) branch with multiple developers

How do I get TeamCity to automatically merge a Git feature branch with master and fail the build in case of merge conflicts?

How Do I Properly Configure Feature Branch CI with TeamCity

Git branch is still on same line as master

Not able to start feature branch by selecting commit id option in SourceTree

What happens when I 'git pull --rebase origin development' from within a feature branch?

git rebase feature-branch

Feature backporting in Git / Subversion

How can I do git merges in such a way that they are easy to roll back?

TeamCity triggers too many builds for a new branch

GIT Rebase a Branch that is collaborated on?

Bug fixes in a feature branch

How would I configure TeamCity to support a GitHub pull-request model for source-code integrations?

Merging Git Flow Feature Branch after Hotfixes?

How to merge git commits in the develop branch to a feature branch

How does one work on a new git branch that depends on another git branch that is not yet merged?