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Should checkins be small steps or complete features?

Two uses of version control seem to dictate different checkin styles.

  • distribution centric: changesets will generally reflect a complete feature. In general these checkins will be larger. This style is more user/maintainer friendly.

  • rollback centric: changesets will be individual small steps so the history can function like an incredibly powerful undo. In general these checkins will be smaller. This style is more developer friendly.

I like to use my version control as really powerful undo while while I banging away at some stubborn code/bug. In this way I'm not afraid to make drastic changes just to try out a possible solution. However, this seems to give me a fragmented file history with lots of "well that didn't work" checkins.

If instead I try to have my changeset reflect complete features I loose the use of my version control software for experimentation. However, it is much easier for user/maintainers to figure out how the code is evolving. Which has great advantages for code reviews, managing multiple branches, etc.

So what's a developer to do? Checkin small steps or complete features?

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deft_code Avatar asked Jun 14 '10 22:06


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1 Answers

So what's a developer to do? checkin small steps or complete features?

It's possible to get the best of both worlds, especially with git and other DVCSs that let you be selective about which history to publish. Here's a simple workflow that illustrates this.

  • Your project has master and release branches. Developers each maintain their own develop branches that they don't push.

  • You use develop to do your day-to-day work. Bite-sized commits appear here, representing incremental advances in the state of the project over time. You might make topic-* branches for working on longer features that span more than a few days or major refactorings. You commit to develop very frequently, perhaps several times an hour. It's like hitting "Save" in a document that you're editing.

  • When you have some commits that are suitable for the next release, you merge the relevant commits to release. release now has a bunch of individual commits that have selectively been taken from your develop branch. You commit to release whenever you reach a good stopping point. That's usually a few times a day.

  • When the release is ready to go, your lead developer squashes all the commits since the last merge to master into a single merge commit that appears on master. Then you tag this commit with the release identifier (e.g., v.1.0.4). This happens infrequently, perhaps once an iteration or every few weeks.

Here, you get to have your cake and eat it too. Prior to releasing, you can rollback changes that shouldn't have happened or that you don't want to go into the release, and you can do it one at a time. Developer-friendly! But users get what they want, too: big, globby commits on master that represent what's changed since the last release.

like image 129
John Feminella Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09

John Feminella