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New posts in django-settings

Unit Testing Django Rest Framework Authentication at Runtime

Is it possible to change the 'migrations' folder's location outside of the Django project?

How do I turn django's settings object into a dict?


Django Logging: Change sender email address from root@localhost to something else

django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Enable 'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth'

Django TemplateDoesNotExist at / debug_toolbar/base.html after deployiing to EC2

Override Django cache settings in tests

Django admin failing to login after upgrade to 2.1

G Suite and Django for SMTP

Is changing SITE_ID dynamically in middleware considered good idea?

Set the DATABASE_URL environment variable

Why do we have to provide WSGI_APPLICATION variable in Django settings

Django - Using a different email backend for admin error emails

Django settings.py variables in templates

function in django settings?

Django: Is "collectstatic" supposed to collect media files as well?

Django new version 3.1, the settings file have some changes

django argument of type 'LazySettings' is not iterable; how then to check if a setting exists?

No such table as django_site