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New posts in django-wsgi

Django::OperationalError at /admin/login/ unable to open database file

'No module named 'encodings'' error when deploying django app on apache with mod_wsgi

pip install mod_wsgi fails in virtualenv

Should I use django-gunicorn integration or wsgi?

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Share Python Interpreter in Apache Prefork / WSGI

Django Test Case Error 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'session'

Why do we have to provide WSGI_APPLICATION variable in Django settings

Django sys.path.append for project *and* app needed under WSGI

django django-wsgi

It is said best way to deploy django is using wsgi, I am wondering why?

Django localeURL when WSGIScriptAlias is /PREFIX

What is the best way to run Django on Tornado Web Server to have async + django admin + django orm possibilities?

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gzip not working in Django with Whitenoise

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Problems configuring deployment with Heroku/gunicorn/django

Reload django wsgi scripts without root

django django-wsgi

How to server HTTP/2 Protocol with django

Django + mod_wsgi + apache: ImportError at / No module named djproj.urls

Gunicorn Environment Variable Setting

uwsgi options --wsgi-file and --module not recognized

wsgi uwsgi django-wsgi

Setting up Django on AWS Elastic Beanstalk: WSGIPath not found