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New posts in django-middleware

Code to run in all views in a views.py file

Django Middleware: How do I access a view's params from middleware

django django-middleware

Django 1.10: "new style" middleware equivalent of `process_request()`

How do I reject a request prematurely with django?

Django: Error: ImproperlyConfigured Module does not define a " " class

django django-middleware

Django Logger: How to log Username

How to protect session against theft?

django django-middleware

Safe to modify settings.SITE_ID from middleware in Django?

'User' Object has no attribude is_authenticated

For a Django middleware class, how can process_request work just fine, but process_exception not be calls?

Testing django pages with middleware for multihost

trigger function after returning HttpResponse from django view

Django: custom middleware called twice

django django-middleware

Testing custom Django middleware without using Django itself

Is changing SITE_ID dynamically in middleware considered good idea?

Calling a custom middleware after Authentication Middleware

Accessing the current view class instance in Django middleware