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New posts in directx

Get current/native screen resolution of all monitors in Delphi (DirectX)

Is DirectSound the best audio abstraction layer for Windows?

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Multi-headed display system [closed]

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Prerequisite for learning directx

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Is there any advantage to using C++ instead of C# when using Direct3D?

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Unresolved external symbol _IID_IDXGIFactory

Are there advantages of MipMaps aside from the performance ones?

GPU DirectX VS OpenGL support

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Access floats of XMMatrix - () operator not working

How to use Opengl/DirectX in Java

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directX creating the swapchain

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I thought *.DDS files were meant to be quick to load?

DirectX/C++ 3D Engine programming: Learn now, or wait for DirectX 12? [closed]

Vertex shader world transform, why do we use 4 dimensional vectors?

math vector directx hlsl

How do I know if a code is executed using GPU or CPU?

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What percentage of Windows boxes have OpenGL support [closed]

New equiavalent to D3DXCOLOR Structure in Directx 11.1?

windows sdk directx