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Need to figure which pixels are (completely) transparent

delphi opacity image

How to analyze excessive memory consumption (PageFileUsage) in a Delphi Application?

Order by a field containing Numbers and Letters

sql delphi delphi-xe2 paradox

Delphi, FindNext return error 18 even there is a folder


How can i tell if i'm being called during DLL_PROCESS_DETACH after ExitProcess has been called?

Using Delphi's stuct arrays and strings in C#

c# delphi pinvoke

How to pass a parameter to a OLE Automation object such as MS Word

Overloaded constructors in C# similar to Delphi (with multiple names)

If a Delphi library uses Random, should it avoid to call Randomize itself?

delphi random

How to call this delphi .dll function from C#?

c# delphi pinvoke

TStringList and TThread that does not free all of its memory

What does TDataModule.ClassGroup pseudo-property in Delphi XE2 really do?

Why TFontDialog gives less fonts than Screen.Fonts?

windows delphi fonts wordpad

SuperObject - Parsing data from a fieldname with a "." literal

Val does not work with UInt64?

delphi delphi-xe2

Ask user and send the Response back in a Message-Receiver

string delphi delphi-7 pchar

How to connect to a computer without public IP?

android delphi networking

C to Delphi Translation

c delphi header

Why are some character constants 1 byte wide, and others 2 bytes wide?

delphi delphi-xe2

Automatic building and installing Delphi components

delphi components vcl