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New posts in tstringlist

TStringList and TThread that does not free all of its memory

Replacement for TStringList in Delphi Prism.

How to identify Delphi StringList object is created or not

delphi tstringlist

Wrapping TStringList in a Record

delphi records tstringlist

Add more than 1 delimiter in TStringList

TStringList behavior with non ANSI files

TStringList.LoadFromFile Unicode

Loading millions of records into a stringlist can be very slow

Faster way to split text in Delphi TStringList

Delphi - Read File To StringList, then delete and write back to file

delphi file tstringlist

Why does Delphi's TStringList.InsertObject() method thrown an Exception if the list is Sorted?

Delphi : Why TStringlist can't assign in procedure?

delphi tstringlist

TStringList.LoadFromFile - Exceptions with Large Text Files

How can I save a object from TStringList class to file (Delphi XE 2) with UTF8 without BOM?

delphi utf-8 tstringlist

TStringList of objects taking up tons of memory in Delphi XE

Parsing a string using a delimiter to a TStringList, seems to also parse on spaces (Delphi)

delphi parsing tstringlist

How can I search faster for name/value pairs in a Delphi TStringList?

delphi tstringlist

How to impliment a stringlist property in a custom delphi component?

Code against an interface with TStrings and TStringList

Delete strings from TStringList

string delphi tstringlist