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New posts in data.table

How to group_by without creating a grouping variable?

r dplyr data.table

R, data.table: Sum all columns whose names are stored in a vector

Increase paste speed of two columns in data.table in R (reproducible)

r performance time data.table

By group check if previous entry exists based on other column

r data.table

Flag rows based on multiple conditions on specific columns in data.table

r data.table

ordered grouping of rows in R

r dplyr data.table

Select data.table values based on a vector of column indexes

r select data.table

find column value and name based on minimum value in other column

r data.table

Determine dynamic window width: efficient rolling count of values which satisfy a condition

Split character strings in a column and insert as new rows

r data.table

Removing time series with only zero values from a data frame

Subset first 500 rows by group, for a subset of groups

r data.table subset

is.null does not work on null data.table in R [possible bug]?

r data.table

Group by variable in data.table and carry on other variables

r data.table

Subsetting data.table with a condition

Merge two data.frames with replacement

R: How to make transformations on subset of a subset fast (optimize or alternative to `ddply`)?

r data.table subset plyr

Use data.table in R to add multiple columns to a data.table with = with only one function call

r data.table combn

First element in a data.table aggregation

r data.table

String grouping (aggregation) with data.table (R 3.1.1)

r aggregate data.table