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New posts in data.table

mathematical operations on data.table(in R)

r matrix data.table

Using data.table to calculate a function which depends on many columns

r data.table

Return all factor levels by name as new columns from a three column data.table [R]

r data.table dplyr

R passing data.table parameters through function calls

r data.table

data.table within group id [duplicate]

r data.table

data.table index of a second column

r data.table

tidyr wide to long: repeated measures and efficiency

r data.table tidyr

Subset a data.table given the row index for each group

r data.table

Tracking full Level change row by row

r data.table dplyr zoo

Concatenating a vector of column names in R data.table

r data.table

Unable to subset (filter) a data frame due to NA's

r data.table dplyr subset

R Cumulative Sum with a condition and a reset

Adding a vector as new columns in existing data frame

How to parse tab-delimited data (of different formats) into a data.table/data.frame?

r parsing data.table csv

Sampling by group without repetition using data.table

r data.table

Count rows matching a criteria relative to current row

r dplyr data.table

Why does data.table not know "J"?

r debugging data.table rstudio

Linear interpolation between values

fast melt large 2d matrix to 3 column data.table

r data.table

nth lowest value from from previous k values

r sorting data.table