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New posts in data.table

In R, collapse over multiple logical rows of the same ID into 1 row

r dataframe data.table

How to spread a single column into wide format with 0 and 1 as values defined conditionally?

Using data.table to create a column of regression coefficients

r data.table

Rownames for data.table in R for model.matrix

r data.table model.matrix

datatable.integer64 argument is not working for me should it?

Convert factor variable of strings to list of integers using data.table

r data.table

Apply over rows of data.table: find rows where a subset of columns are all NA

r data.table apply na

Row wise operation on data.table

r data.table

Why does mutate() by group take forever?

r aggregate data.table

Create an new column in data frame : index in group (not unique between groups)

r grouping data.table

Efficient way to cbind list by groups in data.table

r data.table

Convert data.table to data.frame (i.e. undo setDT)

r dataframe data.table

Fetching a score associated with a date 'Around' 7 days ago

r data.table dplyr zoo

Equivalent of R data.table rolling join in Python and PySpark

Round time by X hours in R?

r date data.table posixct

data.table equivalent of dplyr::filter_at

r dplyr data.table

data.table fill missing values from other rows by group

r data.table row na

Differences to earlier instance within group or external variable

r data.table

How do I create a panel dataset out of transition date data in R?

r dplyr data.table

A simple reproducible example to pass arguments to data.table in a self-defined function in R

r function data.table